The AFDiT Framework

Introducing the framework

Everyone beginning to familiarise themselves with the AFDiT framework and all the evidence and resources it encompasses needs to be willing to be intellectually and emotionally stretched. Whether you are a prospective adopter, foster carer, social worker, policymaker or academic we invite you to engage with the framework both personally and professionally. In fact we would go so far as to say that in order to engage meaningfully such a form of engagement is unavoidable, as AFDiT is about how we ALL are and how we then behave in the context of transracial adoption.

The AFDiT framework covers all aspects of a child’s sense of self.

Scroll down to read a description of each one in the framework diagram. 

These traits of the child’s identity instil the following thoughts, feelings and beliefs for the child:

Reassurance • Immersion • Understanding • Secure • Comfort • Natural • Observed • Seen • Smelt • Felt • Embody • Belonging • Certainty • Predictable • Comfortable • Familiar

The Framework

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