The AFDiT Framework

1. The Pre-Transition Framework

The primary consideration in any possible adoption case is the child’s best interests. Social workers should be prepared to explain how transracial adoption aligns with the child’s needs for safety, stability, overall well-being and what is in their best interests.

The Pre-Transition Framework includes the following sections:

  • Evaluating transracial adoption suitability during permanency planning
  • Decision-making around permanency in a transracial adoption family
  • Integrating identity outcomes in permanency planning and linking
  • Involvement of birth parents
  • Reviewing the child’s experience in foster care and considerations for linking
  • The preparation for transracial adoption and matching
  • Entering the child’s world in decision-making around transracial adoption

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Read this stage in detailby downloading the full AFDiT framework.

Go to stage 2 - the Adoption Transition Framework

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