The AFDiT Framework

3. The Adoption Support Framework

Transracial adoption researchers overwhelmingly emphasise the importance of comprehensive adoption support to nurture adoptees’ cultural identity development and overall well-being.

Studies reveal that without proper ongoing assistance, even the most well-intentioned families struggle to provide adequate racial socialisation, cultural enrichment, advocacy against discrimination, and identity affirmation (Lee 2003; Mohanty 2007; Tuan 2008). Yet too often, support drops off after legal finalisation, leaving adoptees isolated and families unprepared as challenges emerge (Brodzinsky 2013) . Scholars emphasise the need for lifelong learning, assessment, and skill-building so adopters can adapt to adoptees’ evolving identity integration needs (Vonk et al. 2010, Baden et al. 2012).

With research-grounded, culturally conscious post-adoption support, agencies can nurture transracial adoptees’ pride in their heritage and fulfilment of their potential.

Adoption Support Framework

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